

This artwork series focuses on the identity of my dog Reggie, and the way that his physical environment affects his personality. Using the different techniques learnt in class on drawing and photography, I was able to create three drawings and three photographs demonstrating these techniques. Even though line and shape are evident in my drawings, I especially focused on using tone and texture. Over the series I dedicated a lot of my time into learning to draw the texture of Reggie鈥檚 fur and the shape and overall look of his eyes and nose. My final drawing of his self-portrait compared to some of my other attempts shows a real development of my ability, and reflects the progress that I made. I originally hated the way that I drew Reggie鈥檚 nose however after I used critical thinking skills and worked on ways to improve this, the nose became my favourite part of my final drawing of Reggie.

In all three of my drawings, I focused on applying my knowledge of shape, tone, and texture so that the audience is drawn to the different surfaces and objects within the artworks. This was achieved by focusing on the way that light hits the objects and the way that different objects look. Throughout the process I explored various ways to use the pencil such as dabbing it quickly to create the furry tennis ball and stroking it in a certain way to create the texture of Reggie鈥檚 fur. The photographs also use a combination of the rule of three, the golden section, up close, colour and line. Each of these elements of photography work together to make the artworks effective and draw the audience towards them. My artworks are also influenced by Peter Paul Rubens as the layout of the toys and the 3D effect it has are similar to some of his famous artworks. I was also inspired to use tone, and draw fur in a comparable way to him.

Overall my artwork series shows that Reggie鈥檚 physical environment of his backyard full of toys and the beach influence his identity to be boisterous, happy, and full of energy as these environments allow him to be playful and express himself. Throughout the process, I learnt a lot about using different art and photography techniques and I am happy with how I used them and how my artworks turned out.

Year 9 Art - Semester 1 2021