
Practitioner’s statement – “Nexus of Heartstrings”

The artwork “Nexus of Heartstrings”, size 76cm X 56cm, is a reflection of my explorations of the concept interconnectivity and relationships. The intention of my work was to be a visual representation of the most important connections I share with others, which give my life meaning and warmth. As an introverted person, the few close relationships which I have with others are exceptionally valuable to me, which is something I wished to share. I have created this work in the hopes that it resonates with audiences. As a central element of the human condition, love is one of the greatest inspirations to artists across the world. It inspires feeling and growth, which are some concepts I wish to convey with my final solution, using conventions and devices such as colour, symbolism, and composition.

One of the greatest inspirations for this piece is Gustav Klimt, particularly his 1907 piece titled “The Kiss”. This piece has inspired the use of pattern-like symbolism and the imagery of the blanket, through my own interpretation. My work is also notably colourful and vibrant in my application of paints, which is drawn from my investigations of Del Kathryn Barton and her explorations of connection, especially maternally and with nature. Also inspiring me as an artist was Abbey McCulloch who prompted my use of some abstract colour in the subject’s skin. While finally, Nick Gentry’s influenced my art making by changing my perspective of layers of meaning in art. Texturally and in terms of linework and design, I find that the work of these artists has a distinctly organic feel which I intended to emphasise.

As a concept that fluctuates and grows, interconnectivity has strong connections to natural imagery, the intention of my piece is not to appear stiff or unmoving. It is with the incorporation of the blanket and the moon that I have fluidity and change at the centre of my work. On a more intimate scale, the piece displays symbolism for some of the most central relationships in my own life. These include relationships with my family, the bond I share with my sibling, the development of childhood friendship, and even romantic relationships. Each of these symbols is unique and meaningful to me, and their ambiguity is an invitation to audiences to interpret these visuals as they feel, everyone will have a different idea of how connection looks and feels, therefore I hope that this piece finds a way to speak to everyone.

Year 12 Visual Art 2021