
Tropical Agriculture for Years 4 & 5 Students

On Friday 21 October, Anna Day from Central Queensland University visited Year 4 and 5 Palmerston Campus students. They started with an activity to recognise and brainstorm the agriculture farmed in the NT. Of course, mangoes were the biggest industry.

At 9.00am students hopped on the bus to Coastal Plains Research Farm. They were given a tour of the farm and learnt about current and future research projects. They met staff from NT Farmers and asked questions about mango farming and general agriculture. The students learnt how to use a refractometer to test the sugar levels in ripe and green mangoes and in mango nectar. They also used different tools to test the soil around the farm.

Students arrived back at school in time for ECO groups. They were asked to think of different uses for mangoes and created posters. They came up with some amazing ideas. Well done everyone - what an extraordinary day!

More photos here: