
Recognising Students' Sporting Achievements

A special morning tea was held on Thursday 26 May for Middle / Senior School students who have represented the NT or excelled in their chosen sport. Principal, Ms Heather Vogt asked each student to share their achievements at the morning tea. Congratulations everyone on these marvellous achievements and your commitment to your chosen sport.

Good Shepherd acknowledges that many of its students enjoy sport (and are very talented). Fortunately for us, this assists in the extraordinary participation seen in our own PE lessons, sports days, athletics carnivals and PARRS events.

A huge thank you to our incredible Physical and Health Education staff for encouraging these students and sharing the news in assemblies and wherever possible. A reminder to students and parents that we enjoy sharing such accomplishments with our community through social media platforms and newsletters. Please pass on news as often as you can. 8983 0300 / admin@goodshepherd.nt.edu.au

Thank you everyone!