
Circuit Boards for Super Students

Wow! How amazing is this? ¾Å¾ÅÃâ·ÑÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ Springs Year 3DL students participated in a Zoom lesson with Ms Scott’s brother who is an electrical engineer. This lesson complemented the Line of Inquiry – 'Knowledge gained from space exploration impacts our lives'.

Students learned that many everyday items come from the technology originally designed for space. Eg, mouse pads, phone cameras, Nike, hand-held vacuum cleaners and memory foam to name a few. This concept was expanded by creating a circuit board to design potential new technologies to help us here and to maybe one day, further our exploration of space. Well done everyone, this is truly learning in action!

More photos here: https://www.facebook.com/GoodShepherdNT/photos/pcb.2057472154443864/2057471437777269/